(PsA )+(PsO), Always be learning, Education, Self help, Self Improvement

Cyndi Lauper and Chef Michelle Bernstein Are Empowering Millions Through Shared Experiences

Empowering Millions Through Shared Experiences

“In their collaborative effort, Cyndi Lauper and Michelle Bernstein bridge the worlds of music and cuisine to deliver a powerful message of hope and empowerment. By sharing their personal journeys and insights, they offer solace and guidance to the millions of individuals grappling with chronic autoimmune diseases.”


Cyndi Lauper and Michelle Bernstein unite to advocate for health and wellness, their partnership transcends the boundaries of music and cuisine, offering a beacon of hope for individuals affected by chronic autoimmune diseases.

Please join us for a riveting interview! We’re diving deep into the journeys of two extraordinary women: the iconic musician Cyndi Lauper, sharing her experiences with psoriasis, and the renowned Chef Michelle Bernstein, navigating life with psoriatic arthritis. 🌟 Mark your calendars for April 3rd at 11:30 AM ET, and secure your spot for this exclusive live Zoom interview. Don’t miss out on this inspiring conversation filled with love, resilience, and the power of overcoming challenges. See you there! 🎉 #ThatsLoveForYou #CyndiLauper #MichelleBernstein #PsoriasisAwareness #ZoomInterview

Comparison, Good attitude, Original Poetry, That's Love

We Stick Around

In life’s dance, where footsteps stray,
We find companions along the way.
Through laughter, tears, and skies of gray,
We stick around, come what may.

For in the heart’s deep, silent sound,
Lies the bond that keeps us bound.
Through stormy seas or solid ground,
Together, we navigate, unbound.

In tales of love and friendship’s lore,
We find the reasons to explore.
Through every trial that we endure,
We stick around, forevermore.

In shared dreams and whispered fears,
In moments cherished through the years,
We find the strength to persevere,
For in each other, hope appears.

So let us cherish what we’ve found,
In the quiet spaces where love is crowned.
For in the journey, we are bound,
To stick around, forever renowned.

When paths diverge and choices loom,
Sticking around may feel like a tomb.
Yet courage whispers through the gloom,
Embracing consequences, we bloom.

For in the shadows, lessons dwell,
Where darkness fades and stories swell.
Sticking around, we break the spell,
Transforming pain into wisdom’s well.

Though endings come and bridges burn,
Sticking around, we live and learn.
Through every twist and every turn,
Consequences, we bravely discern.

In the tapestry of life’s design,
Sticking around, we redefine.
For every choice, a silver line,
Consequences, a gift divine.

So let us face what may befall,
Sticking around, we stand tall.
In consequence, we find our call,
Embracing life, we give our all.

Advice, Attitude, Education, Self employment

5 Things to Do Before You Start Your Business

“Therefore, we Fish”
(2023) Creative Emphasis Art by Linda Dawkins

5 Things to Do Before You Start Your Business

You’re planning on starting your own company and you’re excited to jump in.

However, it’s important not to rush in before you’re fully prepared. Building your own company is great, and today it’s easier than ever, thanks to the rise of the internet.

However, just like any other worthwhile endeavor, a great business demands a good strategy.

As exciting as it might be to start your business, there’s still a lot to do if you want to ensure your success. From getting the right funding in place to knowing how you’re going to reach your audience, here are a few things you might need to do before starting your company.

Step 1: Research

What kind of industry are you planning on getting involved with? How competitive is your niche, and what can your competitors already offer your prospective customers?

The more research you do, the easier it will be to determine whether you really have a good idea for a profitable company, or whether you still have some planning to do.

As you do your research, try to answer some important questions like:

  • Who will your main competitors be? What can you do better than them,and what do they do better than you?
  • How are you going to differentiate yourself? What’s your uniqueselling proposition? How are you going to convince your audience that they should choose you over your competition?
  • Who is your target audience? What kind of people are you going to beselling to? Are your customers located in a specific country? Are they usually in a certain age range? What are their pain points and demands?

Step 2: Understand the Legal Parts

In the early stages of starting a business, it’s easy to get carried away by things like product development and marketing campaigns. But before you can start working on the fun stuff, it’s important to ensure that the other vital details are taken care of.

Do you know what [kind of structure]{.underline} you want for your company? Are you going to be a sole trader or a Limited Partnership? Knowing your structure will also give you some ideas on the kind of tax and VAT issues that you’re going to need to handle.

If you’re worried about dealing with your legal stuff and finances alone, it might be a good idea to talk to a professional. Even if you’re planning on doing most things by yourself when you first start your business, outsourcing things like accounting and legal support is often a good idea.

Step 3: Write a Business Plan

Writing a business plan is another part of starting a business that probably doesn’t seem exciting at first. However, having this plan is like having a compass towards your professional goals.

Your business plan will show you how much money you need to make to break even and what you’ll need to focus on to strengthen your chances of profits.

Business plans are also helpful because they can help you to sell your company idea to banks when you’re applying for a loan or potential investors.

In your business plan, cover things like:

  • What your business is going to do and sell
  • What your mission is (such as to deliver low-fat cake alternativesto bakeries)
  • An analysis of the current market and your biggest competitors
  • An insight into your target audience and opportunities
  • A list of any decision-makers in your company
  • Your financial plan and how you’re going to make a profit

Your business plan shows investors that you know what you need to do to run a successful company.

As an extra bonus, it can also be a document that helps you to make decisions as your company grows. You can turn to your mission and your vision of the future when you need guidance.

Step 4: Understand the Risk

Launching your own company is an excellent way to build a career doing something that you’re passionate about. However, that doesn’t mean that the process is always going to be easy. There’s always going to be some amount of risk involved with launching a new venture.

Before you jump in, ask yourself what you can do if things don’t go according to plan:

  • Do you have a plan B to fall back on?
  • What about savings to help you get out of any tight situations?
  • Who will you turn to when you need help?
  • Can you trust yourself to remain positive and motivated when thingsare tough?

Ensuring that you have the financial support, mental grit, and social circle you need to survive in this new stage of your life will help you to avoid starting a business before you’re ready.

Step 5: Get the Timing Right

Finally, you’ll need to pick a time when it’s right to bring your business to life.

Although you might want to start your company at a time when the economy is healthy, it’s also worth making sure that you don’t wait too long to strike. If you have a little emergency fund to protect you, a plan B, and the right support, then you might want to bite the bullet and jump in.

While you should never rush into starting a business, holding off for too long could mean that you miss your opportunity. Someone else could fill the gap in the market you found.

Take the leap when the circumstances are right.


What you should know about Anxiety, How it Affects You & What To Do About It

Understanding Anxiety: Symptoms, Causes, and Management Strategies

Anxiety is a common emotional response experienced by individuals in various situations throughout their lives. While it is a natural part of the human experience, for some, anxiety can become overwhelming and debilitating, interfering with daily functioning and overall well-being. Understanding what anxiety is, its symptoms, causes, and effective management strategies is crucial in helping individuals cope and navigate through their anxiety effectively.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress or perceived threats. It is often described as a feeling of unease, worry, or fear that can range from mild to severe. While occasional anxiety is a normal part of life, chronic anxiety can significantly impact one’s quality of life and mental health.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety manifests differently in each individual, but common symptoms may include:

  1. Physical Symptoms: These may include rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, muscle tension, dizziness, and fatigue.
  2. Cognitive Symptoms: Individuals with anxiety may experience racing thoughts, difficulty concentrating, excessive worrying, and irrational fears or phobias.
  3. Emotional Symptoms: Anxiety can lead to feelings of irritability, restlessness, agitation, and a sense of impending doom or panic.
  4. Behavioral Symptoms: Avoidance of certain situations or activities, seeking reassurance excessively, and engaging in compulsive behaviors are common behavioral responses to anxiety.

Causes of Anxiety

The causes of anxiety are complex and can vary from person to person. Some common factors that contribute to the development of anxiety disorders include:

  1. Genetics: There is evidence to suggest that genetics play a role in predisposing individuals to anxiety disorders. Individuals with a family history of anxiety disorders may be at a higher risk.
  2. Brain Chemistry: Imbalances in neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine can contribute to the development of anxiety disorders.
  3. Environmental Factors: Traumatic or stressful life events such as abuse, loss of a loved one, or major life changes can trigger or exacerbate anxiety symptoms.
  4. Personality Traits: Certain personality traits, such as perfectionism, neuroticism, or a tendency to be overly sensitive to stress, may increase the likelihood of developing anxiety disorders.
  5. Medical Conditions: Chronic medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and thyroid disorders can also contribute to the development of anxiety symptoms.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

There are several different types of anxiety disorders, each with its own specific symptoms and diagnostic criteria. Some common anxiety disorders include:

  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Characterized by excessive worrying and anxiety about various aspects of life, GAD often coexists with other anxiety disorders or mood disorders.
  2. Panic Disorder: Individuals with panic disorder experience recurrent panic attacks, which are sudden episodes of intense fear or discomfort accompanied by physical symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and dizziness.
  3. Social Anxiety Disorder: Also known as social phobia, social anxiety disorder is characterized by a persistent fear of social situations or performance situations, leading to avoidance and significant distress.
  4. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): OCD is characterized by recurrent, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) performed in response to these obsessions.
  5. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): PTSD can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event and is characterized by symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, hypervigilance, and avoidance of reminders of the trauma.

Managing Anxiety

While anxiety disorders can be challenging to live with, there are effective strategies for managing and reducing anxiety symptoms:

  1. Seek Professional Help: If you are experiencing persistent or severe anxiety symptoms, it is essential to seek help from a mental health professional, such as a therapist or psychiatrist, who can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options.
  2. Therapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a highly effective form of therapy for treating anxiety disorders. CBT helps individuals identify and challenge irrational thoughts and beliefs that contribute to anxiety and teaches coping skills to manage symptoms effectively.
  3. Medication: In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help manage anxiety symptoms. Antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and beta-blockers are commonly used medications for treating anxiety disorders. It is essential to work closely with a healthcare provider to find the right medication and dosage for your needs.
  4. Lifestyle Modifications: Adopting healthy lifestyle habits can help reduce anxiety symptoms. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and stress management techniques such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation can all contribute to improved mental health.
  5. Limit Stimulants: Avoiding or limiting the consumption of caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol can help reduce anxiety symptoms, as these substances can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and interfere with sleep quality.
  6. Practice Self-Care: Engage in activities that promote relaxation and self-care, such as spending time in nature, practicing hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.
  7. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Incorporating mindfulness-based practices such as meditation, yoga, and tai chi into your daily routine can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and relaxation.
  8. Social Support: Building a strong support network of friends, family members, or support groups can provide emotional support, encouragement, and validation, helping to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Everyone should be aware that anxiety is a common emotional response experienced by individuals in various situations throughout their lives. While it is normal to experience occasional anxiety, chronic anxiety can significantly impact one’s quality of life and mental health. Understanding the symptoms, causes, and effective management strategies for anxiety is crucial in helping individuals cope and navigate through their anxiety effectively. By seeking professional help, practicing self-care, and adopting healthy coping strategies, individuals can learn to manage their anxiety and lead fulfilling lives. Read on for a more in-depth analysis.

Understanding Social Anxiety

Important Points About

Social Anxiety Disorder

  • Social Anxiety Disorder affects millions of people worldwide.
  • Women are affected by SAD more than men.
  • 75% of people with SAD experience symptoms in childhood or adolescence.
  • Only 50% of people with SAD get treatment.
  • Those who get treatment usually struggle for ten years or more before asking for help.
  • Anxiety symptoms are physical, behavioral, and emotional.
  • There is a strong cognitive element in SAD.
  • Avoidant personality traits often co-occur with SAD.
  • The disorder is caused by genetics, heredity, and environment.
  • Treatment includes medication, therapy, and related techniques.
  • CBT has been found to be effective for one-half to two-thirds of patients after 12 weeks.
  • Exposure therapy is believed to be most effective in treating SAD.
  • SSRI or SSNI medications are effective for generalized SAD in 50-80% of cases.
  • SAD differs from shyness or awkwardness in intensity, duration, and effect on quality of life.

Understanding Social Anxiety

Symptoms of SAD Checklist

Check all of the following that apply in social situations that trigger anxiety for you.

Physical Symptoms

___ Increase in heart-rate

___ Sweating

___ Feeling dizzy

___ Muscle tension or twitching (eye twitching or involuntary movement)

___ Dry throat and mouth

___ Upset stomach – nausea, gastric distress

___ Tearing up or crying

___ Flushing or hives

___ Clenching fists, jaw, etc.

___ Bouncing, tapping or shaking leg, feet, pen, fingers, etc.

___ Shaking or trembling

Emotional Symptoms

___ Excessive fear or worry

___ Feeling ‘nervous’

___ Anxiety attack (difficulty breathing, tightness in chest, etc.)

___ Obsessive concern about red or sweaty face, sweaty hands, splotches on face or chest

___ Negative thoughts, rumination or catastrophizing that lead(s) to feeling overwhelmed

Behavioral Symptoms

___ Playing it small to escape the limelight

___ Using social media and gaming to avoid physical contact

___ Dropping out to avoid interacting with others at work or school

___ Compulsive eating or binge eating

___ Avoiding eating in public or in front of others

___ Stop attending social activities due to excessive worry, fear, or dread of embarrassment

___ Self-medicating with alcohol or other drugs, especially at social functions

___ Speaking very fast, abruptly, or interrupting when attending social activities

Write any other symptoms you experience, including unhelpful thoughts:

Anxiety Self-Assessment

Check Your Chances of Experiencing Anxiety by looking at your family’s History

Check all of the following that apply:

Family History

  • There is a family history of mental illness or substance abuse in my family.
  • I recognize similar signs and symptoms in family members, even if not diagnosed.
  • There are some rumors about a relative in the family who spent time in a hospital.
  • I’ve heard that relatives have struggled with nerves or had a nervous breakdown.
  • Someone in my family died by suicide in the past.


  • There are things going on in my home or work space that make me feel uncomfortable.
  • Going to work or home brings up feelings of wanting to run away.
  • My house or office is so cluttered that it makes me feel crazy/unable to find things.
  • There are little things that I put up with in my home or office that are distracting/annoying.
  • Sometimes I want to run out of the house/office screaming!


  • I feel really uncomfortable in crowds.
  • My stress goes up just thinking about being in a public place, such as a restaurant.
  • I prefer to limit my interactions to family and friends who ‘get me.’
  • I worry about things I’ve said frequently – did I say the wrong thing?
  • Going shopping is something I put off as long as possible.


  • I dislike small talk.
  • Conflict makes me very uncomfortable.
  • Being around people who are very emotional is nerve-wracking for me.
  • I avoid someone I see regularly because I dread being around or talking with them.
  • I often make a fool of myself trying to communicate my thoughts and feelings.


  • I have trouble sleeping.
  • I have a chronic health condition, whether diagnosed or undiagnosed.
  • My anxiety symptoms have been present most of my life.
  • There are some situations that I simply cannot do without panicking.
  • I use alcohol or other drugs (including herbs) to cope with crowds or intimate interactions.
  • Anxiety Ways to Challenge Self-Defeating Beliefs
  • Self-defeating beliefs may create or exacerbate anxiety. Below is a list of self-defeating beliefs that lead to anxious thoughts and ways to overcome them.
  • Filtering:   Focusing on the negative to the exclusion of the positive
  • Solution: When you’re thinking/feeling bad, try to do the opposite.
  • **Black & White Thinking: ** Things are good or bad – it’s all or nothing with no middle ground.
  • Solution: Look for the exception to your point of view – yes, but. . .
  • Overgeneralization:   Exaggerating or taking things to the extreme
  • Solution: Avoid words such as: always, never, every, all, none, everybody, and nobody.  Question the extremes. Is there any time that is not true?
  • Mind Reading:  Making assumptions about an outcome or someone’s motivation
  • Solution: Can you really know what’s going to happen or why something happens? What another person’s intentions are? How can you know for sure? What are other possibilities?
  • Catastrophizing:   AKA awfulizing – expecting and projecting the worst
  • Solution: Remember that there is usually more than one possible outcome and the worst catastrophe usually does not happen.
  • Personalization:   It’s all about me – my fault – I did it wrong – they hate me – I am the only one who can do this.
  • Solution: How do you know? Prove it, or consider other possibilities. Let others take ownership.
  • **Control Fallacies: ** Either you have no control or you can control everything.
  • Solution: Let go of what you can’t control and be realistic about what you really can control.
  • Fallacy of Fairness:  You think everything should be fair.
  • Solution: Life is not fair. Accepting this will help you have more realistic expectations.
  • Blaming:   You don’t take responsibility for your choices and project fault onto others.
  • Solution: Take responsibility for your choices, including your feelings. Nobody else can make you feel or do anything. How you feel or react is up to you. Blame isn’t necessary/helpful – it is what it is.
  • Shoulds:   Words like should, ought, and must foster impossible expectations and often result in disappointment, resentment, and failure.
  • Solution: Flexibility is the key here. Give yourself and others the benefit of the doubt.
  • Emotional Reasoning:  A belief that your emotions are based in truth.
  • Solution: Challenge emotions with logic. Look for exceptions that are reasonable and possible.

Remember the SAD Checklist

Check all of the following that apply in social situations that trigger anxiety for you.

Physical Symptoms

___ Increase in heart-rate

___ Sweating

___ Feeling dizzy

___ Muscle tension or twitching (eye twitching or involuntary movement)

___ Dry throat and mouth

___ Upset stomach – nausea, gastric distress

___ Tearing up or crying

___ Flushing or hives

___ Clenching fists, jaw, etc.

___ Bouncing, tapping or shaking leg, feet, pen, fingers, etc.

___ Shaking or trembling

Emotional Symptoms

___ Excessive fear or worry

___ Feeling ‘nervous’

___ Anxiety attack (difficulty breathing, tightness in chest, etc.)

___ Obsessive concern about red or sweaty face, sweaty hands, splotches on face or chest

___ Negative thoughts, rumination or catastrophizing that lead(s) to feeling overwhelmed

Behavioral Symptoms

___ Playing it small to escape the limelight

___ Using social media and gaming to avoid physical contact

___ Dropping out to avoid interacting with others at work or school

___ Compulsive eating or binge eating

___ Avoiding eating in public or in front of others

___ Stop attending social activities due to excessive worry, fear, or dread of embarrassment

___ Self-medicating with alcohol or other drugs, especially at social functions

___ Speaking very fast, abruptly, or interrupting when attending social activities

Remember to write any other symptoms you experience, including unhelpful thoughts:

Anxiety Fact Sheet 

*Anxiety Disorders affect 18.1% of adults in the United States (approximately 40 million adults between the ages of* 18 *to 54).*

– National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Apr 25, 2017 Although anxiety is very treatable, only 36% of those with anxiety actually seek treatment. Anxiety is the body’s reaction to stress that triggers our fight, flight, or freeze response. When there is immediate danger, the body marshals that energy to address the present situation.

**If the anxiety persists, it becomes counterproductive and may create emotional and physiological challenges.** 

Harvard Health states: “Evidence suggests that people with anxiety disorders are at greater risk for developing a number of chronic medical conditions. They may also have more severe symptoms and a greater risk of death when they become ill.” 

**Some of the common medical problems that may be related to anxiety include:**

– Respiratory Conditions, such as asthma and COPD 

– Gastrointestinal Conditions, such as IBS and ulcers 

– Heart Disease 

– Substance abuse and addiction 

– Migraines For most people, stress hormones return to their pre-stress levels in 20 minutes – two hours after the issue is resolved.

The symptoms of anxiety resolve as the hormones subside unless a person has an anxiety disorder. In those cases, the return to previous levels is still outside the normal limits, so symptoms are present most of the time.

**There is a genetic component to anxiety.** 

The genes are turned on by an environmental trigger or triggers. Some believe that trauma, child abuse and neglect, poverty, and other life experiences may ‘turn on’ these genes. 

Some researchers believe that people can be born with a central nervous system that simply processes things differently, and that those people reach a level of saturation more quickly. 

**For more information:**

**“Facts & Statistics.” *Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA*, adaa.org/about-adaa/press-room/facts-statistics.**

**Harvard Health Publishing. “Anxiety and Physical Illness – Harvard Health.” *Harvard Health Blog*, [www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/anxiety_and_physical_illness](http://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/anxiety_and_physical_illness).**

***Monitor on Psychology*, American Psychological Association, http://www.apa.org/monitor/2012/06/roots.aspx.**

You can create your own Anxiety Symptoms and Solutions Worksheet Write each anxiety symptom you identified from the self-assessment on it,and any self-soothing techniques from the self-soothing worksheet that may be helpful.

Symptom. Possible Solutions

Difficulty going to sleep. Body Scan Meditation


White noise

Comparison, Fashion Forward, Passive Income, Print on demand biz, Self employment, Self help, Uncategorized

Can $40 Start a Business?

If you have only a $40 budget, there are online sites that you can turn your original art, designs or creations if you have some, into income such as digital prints. Those digital prints can be put onto merchandise like t-shirts, handbags, shoes or clothing. There are no limits of merchandise that your designs can appear on?

The answer is an emphatic Yes.

There are several online platforms where you can turn your original art into digital prints for merchandise like t-shirts, handbags, and shoes. Some popular options include Printful, Printify, and Redbubble. These platforms typically offer printing services at varying price points, so you can likely find options within your $40 budget. Keep in mind that pricing may vary based on factors such as print size and quantity.

Can I provide more information that you should have before signing up for Printful, Printify and Redbubble ?

Certainly! Here’s some information you should consider before signing up for Printful , Printify, and Redbubble:

  1. Product Options: Each platform offers a range of products you can print your designs on, such as t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, phone cases, etc. Consider which products you want to offer and compare the options available on each platform.
  2. Printing Methods: Different platforms may use different printing methods, such as direct-to-garment (DTG) printing, sublimation, or screen printing. Research the quality and durability of each method to ensure it meets your standards.
  3. Pricing Structure: Understand the pricing structure of each platform, including base costs for printing, shipping fees, and any additional charges. Compare these costs to ensure you can set competitive prices for your merchandise while still making a profit.
  4. Profit Margins: Look into the profit margins offered by each platform. Some may allow you to set your own prices, while others have fixed pricing models. Calculate potential earnings based on your desired selling price and the platform’s fees.
  5. Quality Control: Research the reputation of each platform for quality control and customer satisfaction. Look for reviews from other artists or businesses who have used the service to gauge the reliability and consistency of the printing and shipping processes.
  6. Shipping Options: Consider the shipping options available on each platform, including shipping times, tracking, and international shipping capabilities. Choose a platform that offers shipping methods that align with your customers’ expectations and preferences.
  7. Integration with E-commerce Platforms: If you plan to sell your merchandise through your own website or online store, check whether each platform offers integrations with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Etsy. This can streamline the ordering and fulfillment process for your customers.
  8. Customer Support: Evaluate the level of customer support provided by each platform. Look for resources such as FAQs, tutorials, and responsive customer service channels to help troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about which platform(s) align best with your needs and goals for selling your original artwork as digital prints on merchandise.

Can you provide the links to these sites?

Sure, here are the links to the websites of Printful, Printify, and Redbubble:

  1. Printful: Printful
  2. Printify: Printify
  3. Redbubble: Redbubble

You can visit each site to explore their services, pricing, and offerings in more detail.

What can you do with the Printful website?

Printful is a print-on-demand and dropshipping company that allows you to create and sell custom-designed products online. With Printful, you can:

  1. Create custom-designed apparel: Design and sell custom t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, leggings, and more.
  2. Design accessories: Customize products like hats, bags, phone cases, and socks.
  3. Print posters and wall art: Create personalized posters, canvas prints, and framed prints.
  4. Sell home and living products: Design custom pillows, blankets, mugs, and towels.
  5. Create branded merchandise: Design products featuring your company logo or branding.
  6. Set up an online store: Integrate Printful with e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Etsy to sell your custom-designed products online.
  7. Dropship products: Printful handles printing, packing, and shipping orders directly to your customers, allowing you to run a low-risk e-commerce business without holding inventory.

Overall, Printful offers a convenient solution for individuals and businesses looking to create and sell custom-designed products without the hassle of manufacturing and shipping.

What can you do with the Printify website? Is it similar to Printful? If so, how much similar and what’s the difference?

Printify is similar to Printful in that it is also a print-on-demand and dropshipping platform for custom-designed products. Like Printful, Printify allows you to create and sell a variety of custom-designed items online. Here’s how Printify is similar to Printful:

  1. Product range: Printify offers a wide range of customizable products, including apparel, accessories, home decor, and more.
  2. Print-on-demand: Both platforms operate on a print-on-demand model, meaning products are printed and shipped to customers as orders come in, eliminating the need for inventory management.
  3. Integration with e-commerce platforms: Printify integrates with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Etsy, and more, allowing you to easily set up and manage your online store.
  4. Dropshipping: Both Printify and Printful handle order fulfillment and shipping directly to your customers, making it a convenient option for running an e-commerce business without inventory.

However, there are some differences between Printify and Printful:

  1. Supplier network: Printify has a larger network of print providers, allowing for greater flexibility in terms of product selection and pricing. This can be advantageous if you’re looking for specific products or lower prices.
  2. Pricing structure: Printify’s pricing structure may vary depending on the print provider and product, whereas Printful typically offers fixed pricing for its products.
  3. Product quality: While both platforms strive for high-quality printing and products, the quality may vary slightly between print providers and products.

Overall, Printify and Printful are similar platforms that offer print-on-demand and dropshipping services for custom-designed products. The main differences lie in their supplier networks, pricing structures, and product offerings.

What about the Redbubble website? What can you do on this platform and what are the differences between, Redbubble, Printful and Printify?

Redbubble is a platform that allows artists and designers to upload their artwork and designs to be printed on a variety of products, including clothing, home decor, accessories, stationery, and more. Here’s what you can do on Redbubble:

  1. Upload artwork: Artists and designers can upload their designs to be printed on Redbubble’s range of products.
  2. Customize products: Customers can browse through a wide selection of products and customize them with the designs available on the platform.
  3. Purchase products: Customers can purchase products featuring their favorite designs, supporting independent artists and designers in the process.
  4. Sell artwork: Artists and designers can sell their artwork on Redbubble and earn a commission for each sale.

Here are some key differences between Redbubble, Printful, and Printify:

  1. Redbubble is a marketplace for independent artists and designers, while Printful and Printify are print-on-demand and dropshipping platforms that cater to individuals and businesses looking to create and sell custom-designed products.
  2. Redbubble offers a wider range of products compared to Printful and Printify, including unique items like stickers, wall art, and greeting cards, in addition to apparel and accessories.
  3. Redbubble handles printing, fulfillment, and customer service, similar to Printful and Printify, but the printing is done in-house rather than through a network of print providers.
  4. Printful and Printify offer more control over branding and customization options for online stores, whereas Redbubble focuses on showcasing individual artists and their designs.

In conclusion, , while Redbubble, Printful, and Printify all offer print-on-demand services, they cater to different audiences and have different strengths and features. Redbubble is ideal for artists and designers looking to showcase and sell their artwork on a wide range of products, while Printful and Printify are better suited for individuals and businesses looking to create and sell custom-designed products through their own online stores.

Affirmations, Always be learning, Attitude, Education, Good attitude, Self help, Self Improvement, That's Love

My Individuality Is My Superpower

My individuality is my superpower.

On a planet of billions, there are no two of us that are alike. We all have our own unique quirks, preferences, likes, dislikes, beliefs, and fears. These differences are part of what gives each of us our individual power.

I see that in this moment, I am perfect just as I am. I am my own unique, individual self, and there is nobody who is like me. This is my superpower.

There is no other human being on the planet who is just like me.

I see that in the past, I may have been concerned and worried about this. I may have spent time comparing myself to others, and worrying that I am different.

I may have thought that being unique and different was a weakness, but I understand now that I was mistaken in this belief.

Being different is what sets me apart, and this is what makes me strong.

I choose to reframe my mindset. I see that there is tremendous strength and power in differences and that this is where my source of personal power lies.

I make a vow to embrace and enjoy my differences. I relish them, investigate them, and make sure I am comfortable with them.

I see that I have a responsibility to help others embrace their differences, and I vow to shoulder this responsibility in all I do.

Today, I embrace my individuality. I see that this is where my true power and potential lies, and I am excited to uncover and celebrate the truth of my authentic self

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I truly embrace myself as I am?
  2. If I try to hide who I am, where might this reaction come from?
  3. What three things do I like the most about myself?

Listen on Spotify That’s Love For You Podcasthttps://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/linda-dawkins❣️

The Best Communication Habits Can Strengthen Your Relationships

Even if you spend much time talking with others, your conversation skills may be less effective than you think. Communication issues are the top reason for divorce in the US.

According to a study by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, that’s the case for more than 67% of failed marriages. They cite consequences, including arguing, misunderstandings, and a general lack of communication.

If it’s difficult to connect with your loved ones, what happens when dealing with those you know less well, like your boss or neighbors?

Fortunately, mastering some of the most basic communication strategies can strengthen any relationship. Start with these 3 essentials.

Listen Attentively

What’s the difference between hearing and listening? Hearing means you perceive a sound. Listening is an intentional process that lets you learn new things and lets others know you care about them.

Communication is the lifeline of any relationship, without it, the connection dies.

ChatGPT quote
  1. Show interest. Maintain eye contact without overdoing it. Useappropriate hand gestures and facial expressions. Smile and nod. Lean towards someone when they’re talking.
  2. Stay focused. Concentrate on the other party’s message instead of planning your response. Stop yourself from interrupting. If it’s a nervous habit, take a deep breath. If you’re worried you’ll forget what you wanted to say, write it down.
  3. Seek clarity. Even when you’ve lived with someone for years,making assumptions about their thoughts is dangerous. When unsure, paraphrase or summarize what they’ve said, and confirm that they agree.
  4. Follow up. One of the most constructive ways to show engagementis to ask relevant questions. Open-ended questions are especially helpful for keeping a conversation flowing.
  5. Share Openly
  6. If you want to deepen your relationships, you must move beyond small talk. Allow yourself to be vulnerable.
  7. Boost your confidence. Believing in your own strength makes iteasier to open up. Recognize your strengths and talents. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion. Pursue meaningful goals, and advocate for your needs.
  8. Explore your feelings. Before discussing your emotions withothers, you need to understand them. Keep a journal about your daily activities. Establish a daily meditation practice. Observe what’s on your mind without making judgments about it.
  9. Be tactful. Attack the issues, not your loved ones. Berespectful when you express disagreements or anger. Watch your tone of voice, and avoid sarcasm.
  10. Take risks. To experience love and personal growth, you need toventure out of your comfort zone. Have the courage to speak honestly and appear vulnerable.
  11. Start small. Close relationships take time to develop, so revealpersonal information gradually. Start with less sensitive subjects, and work your way up.
  12. Think Positive
  13. View others as partners rather than adversaries. Focus on working together to overcome obstacles.
  14. Build trust. Having faith in each other allows us to live andwork together. Instill trust by honoring your commitments and acknowledging when you’re wrong.
  15. Establish priorities. Keep your eye on the big picture. Valueyour relationships more than winning an argument. Let little things go.
  16. Express appreciation. Cultivate a sense of gratitude. Focus onthe positive qualities in others. Let them know that they make a difference in your life.
  17. Consider counseling. Relationships can be complicated. If youfeel stuck, talking with a professional therapist may help. They can help you recognize how past events may affect your current behavior.
  18. Successful relationships depend on clear and respectful communication. Becoming more aware of your verbal and nonverbal habits can help you to fulfill your needs and bond more closely with your family and friends.

Thanks for being here, I appreciate you have gotten this far and would like to give you a little something for your time spent pondering my content.

Always be learning, Education, Good attitude, Self Improvement, Time management, Uncategorized

7 Attributes of Great Leaders

7 Attributes of Great Leaders

I would just get right into it but my conscience and ethics says I give a little introduction on the topic which goes as follows…

Leadership is a daunting task, and there are many theories about how to best lead others. But regardless of the theory employed, there are attributes that great leaders share.

With the right blend of attributes, you can thrive within any leadership system. It’s possible to develop these characteristics with study and effort. Ideas are easy. It’s the execution that’s so challenging. Big ideas require multiple people to bring them to life.

Leadership is all about getting everyone on the same page and moving them in the same direction.

Consider developing these qualities that enhance leadership ability:

Confidence. Confident people inspire confidence in others. When your team sees your confidence, they believe that you know where you’re going and how to get there. Confidence is contagious and elevates morale. No one else will be confident if you’re not. Keep up morale by dealing with setbacks confidently.

Trustworthiness. One of the most important attributes of a great leader is character. People need to trust someone before they will follow him. This is accomplished through honesty, walking the talk, and showing respect. Keep your word and follow through.
It’s challenging for a team to accomplish anything without trust.

Enthusiasm. Be enthusiastic about the task at hand, your position, and the opportunity to lead. No one will be more enthusiastic than you are. Demonstrate the type of enthusiasm you’d like to see in your team members. Let everyone know that you believe in your mission and its importance. Sometimes a break is in order.Enthusiasm can wane under a never-ending workload.

Steadiness. There will be obstacles and times of uncertainty. Great leaders can weather these situations and demonstrate the steadiness necessary to keep the rest of the team focused. These are the times your team will look to you the most.

Be positive. Be confident. Be a rock.
It’s natural to have doubts. It’s not effective to share them. If you need
someone to talk to, reach out to your spouse or best friend.

Keep all negativity out of the workplace.

Focus. It’s easy to become distracted, especially when things start going wrong. Learn to ignore the noise and stick to the relevant facts. Avoid looking too far ahead. Deal with the current situation and maintain your commitment. Focus can begin to creep when projects drag on for an extended period of time. Return to your mission statement frequently to keep your focus fresh.

Flexibility. Nearly anyone can hold the course, but only a great leader can change course without tipping over the ship. Be open-minded enough to find the elegant solution to the challenges that arise. A few course corrections are the rule rather than the exception.
Avoid confusing steadfastness with stubbornness. It’s important to realize when it’s time to make some changes.

Communication. Be able to effectively communicate your vision to the others in your group. Be willing to listen to new ideas. Provide the information required for others to do their best. Communication skills are paramount to all leaders. If you’re looking for a single skill to enhance, this is a great place to start.

In conclusion, regardless of the leadership strategy followed in your company, these attributes will serve you well. Great leaders share many of the same attributes. Learning to demonstrate these attributes will enhance your leadership abilities and increase your power and influence at work. Leadership skills can’t be learned and developed in a day. Bringing an idea into themarketplace requires a leader. Make yourself the obvious candidate.


The Surprising Truth About Will Power

Truth About Willpower

The Surprising Truth About Willpower
How important is willpower?

Some self-help books will tell you that it’s essential for reaching your goals. Others will say it’s overrated. Even scientific research on the subject has led to different conclusions.

On the one hand, there’s a lot to be said for managing your emotions and controlling your impulses.

There are also many situations that require something different than sheer willpower.

For example, you might be able to quit smoking cold turkey. You might also give up cigarettes faster and much more comfortably if you use other methods, like nicotine replacement devices.

Learn more about the benefits and limitations of willpower.

How to Boost Your Willpower:

Practice regularly. You may have heard that willpower is finite and will run out if you try to rely on it too much. In reality, it’s more like a muscle that grows stronger with use, as long as you avoid overdoing it.

Stay fit. It’s easier to control yourself when you take care of your overall wellbeing. Eat a nutritious diet, work out consistently, and sleep well.

Be specific. Make your resolutions clear. Break big goals down into concrete steps. For example, losing weight could mean eating more vegetables and shrinking portion sizes.

Start small. Help yourself to succeed. Focus on one or two areas at a time.
Your early victories will build momentum and motivate you to keep making progress.

Let go. There are occasions when quitting is a wise choice. If you’re unable to generate much enthusiasm, you may be trying to conform to external expectations instead of pursuing your own passions.

How to Supplement Your Willpower:

Build positive habits. Make healthy decisions automatic by incorporating them into your daily routines. Order a salad with your sandwich instead of French fries. Go to bed at the same time each night.
Change your environment.

As much as possible, remove temptations ratherthan struggling with them. Keep junk food out of your kitchen or store it on top shelves that are difficult to reach. Cancel some of your streaming subscriptions
if your goal is to cut down on screen time.

Distract yourself. You may have noticed that when you try to stop thinking about something, it can wind up taking over your brain. If visions of donuts or cigarettes are dancing through your head, go take a walk or study vocabulary words.

Research your options. Unless you’re stranded on a raft, you probably have access to technology and other tools that can make many tasks easier. Search for helpful apps or talk with others who are dealing with similar situations.

Seek support. Let your family and friends know how they can assist you. If you’re still stuck, consider working with a therapist who specializes in relevant issues.

You can ask your primary care doctor for referrals or contact
organizations like the American Psychological Association.

Anticipate obstacles. What if you relapse? Figure out your triggers and how to deal with them. Be patient and treat yourself with compassion. Remember your purpose. Think about the reasons behind what you’re doing. Maybe you’re trying to lower your blood pressure or provide for your family.Work on timing. Stress can weaken your determination. You may need to postpone making major changes if you’re in the middle of a divorce or moving to a new home.

In conclusion, willpower can take you a long way but keep other options in mind too. Sometimes you need more than self-discipline, and sometimes you can achieve the same results with less strain if you take advantage of other available resources and strategies.

Advice, Opinion, Reaction, Roe v Wade, Self help, Self Improvement

I’ve Never Had An Abortion But At Least I Had A Choice!

I tried to stay neutral but I can no longer stay on the balancing beam nor can I afford to sit silently on the sidelines. I was a teen mom.

I Had my first baby at the age of 16. Even back then, in 1986, I was well aware that I had a choice on what I wanted to do. A choice of whether or not I wanted to continue with my pregnancy or terminate it. I chose to go with it and have my baby.

At the time, I was in high school. I had my whole life ahead of me, being a musician. Also being President of the Dance Team at my high school. I was so good at piano and choir, my teachers saw the talent and would summon me to help them conduct their classes while they went to meetings. In other words… I was an unpaid substitute teacher in the 10th grade.

Flash forward… to 1987… thats when I had my second child at 17. I had a choice even then on whether or not I wanted to go through with that pregnancy…

I considered and weighed all of my options and discovered that abortion was not a consideration. Even though I was so young, had a baby already, not finished high school, being supported by my parents and had health concerns of being asmatic.

Fast forward to 1990…

It was very difficult and I often thought to myself that; “if it weren’t for my parents I would not have made it this far.

I got my first job at LAX. I was a single parent and at age of 19 with two children and Still pretty much being supported by my goodly parents (they thought it best that I take care of and bond with my babies) so I was a stay at home mom until they were school aged.

Two years later, I met someone I thought I would be able to partner with which didn’t turn out the way I expected it to. I found myself pregnant with my third baby… I had a choice then too.

The father of my third baby took on the responsibilities of being father to my first two and was excited and joyful upon learning that we were expecting our first child together.

At this point, my parents began to loosen their support and let me take the reigns of handling the facts that pertain to my life. I had a choice.

Towards the end of 1991, I became pregnant again and was fearful that we (the daddy and I) were not earning enough income to support our growing family and we decided that an abortion was necessary at that point in time in order for our family to pretty much get by.

Abortions were not free.

We paid $380 to have the procedure done.

So I scheduled the appointment. When the date came, I got ready and we drove down to the HER Medical Clinic in Los Angeles. I walked in, went to the receptionists window gave her my information and paid the $380 to have the procedure then sat back down and waited.

Time was moving slowly as all sorts of weird thoughts went through my head.

Will I recover quickly?” “How long will this take?” “Am I doing the right thing?” Throughout all of this, I still had a choice.

When my name was called, the nurse led me to a room. It was pretty welcoming and I felt comfortable.

I was instructed by the nurse to remove my clothing and handed me a powder blue hospital gown, then I sat down on the examination table. Completely unaware of what was going to happen next.

The nurse instructed me to lay down then she squirted some gel on my abdomen and began to perform an ultrasound. In the feedback that the ultrasound revealed was the tiny, fully formed skeleton of my now 29 year old son.

I saw his little fingers, rib cage and skull, what seemed to me to be a spine and everything that would make me know for a certain that this was indeed a baby…my baby.

The nurse suddenly said to me, “you ready?”

I said yes. Then she said “OK. I’ll be right back.” When she left the room. She did not turn the monitor off.

I looked at the monitor again and saw my baby move..he began to suck his thumb. (Something I did as a child).

Then Suddenly I hopped up. I Really Don’t know what came over me… I just got up… wiped the gel off of my belly. Put my clothes back on and left the room.

I went to the receptionists window told the receptionists that I changed my mind. She asked me why? I just told her that I just can’t go through with it.

I then asked for my refund. Which they took half of the $380 and gave me the balance, said it was to pay for the ultrasound and time spent in the examination room.

I speedily left after my refund was recieved. Went home and raised my children.

Fast forward to present day. Now I have four adult children, three of whom have children of their own. My youngest is the only one who is not a parent yet.

While my other children, his siblings have have made me a grandmother and my youngest son an uncle seven (7xs) times over.

The bottom line is during my entire life, I have had a choice on what I wanted to do with my own body. My daughters had choices on what they wanted to do with their bodies.

Flash forward to today… it’s not 1968, the year I was born and it’s not 1986, the year my first born child was born…

It’s 2022 and Roe v. Wade is hanging in the balance and virtually all women will have their perspective choice literally taken away.

If it were not for my right to choose, I have no idea what I would’ve done or become.

A women’s right to choose what she wants to do with her body is her choice and no person/persons, especially in a robe on, should have input that could completely take away a womens right to choose

People are pissed off… I’m pissed off, as we all should be.

The right to choose is an important factor in everyone’s personal and psychological development.

Take away that right, there’s nothing left in that concept.

Choice is the big topic for this year. Freedom of Choice is the big topic of today.

Without choice, what is there?

The decision to have a child is life altering. Being forced to have a child is life altering and having your choices limited is life altering.

They say that life begins at conception. I say life begins when you can choose for yourself or when you can take care of yourself.

Once you’re born, your life begins. Is that pro- life?

I don’t understand how this became such a controversy.

Today’s Pro-Life activity says that somebody has to fight for the unborn…that’s just like saying somebody has to fight for the dead.

The difference between the living and the dead is that the living have a choice. The dead do not. The fetus has no choice because it cannot survive outside of the womb on its own.

They say the unborn can’t speak for themselves. It is true. Neither can the dead.

That brings me back to the living… what about the women and young girls who have been victims of molestation or rape and who may be forced to go through with and face an unwanted pregnancy?

Women and girls who have to watch their belly grow week after week. With their rapists burden. Do they have a SAY?

If ROE V WADE is revoked; they won’t have a say…

A world where there is no choice for young women and girls is not the world that we want to turn the pages of history and fall back into.

How Dare They!

After all these years… now they want to revoke the freedom of choice.

A women’s right to choose… Yes… it’s the freedom of choice that’s at stake here.

If I didn’t have a choice on what I wanted to do with my life and the lives of my children, I most likely would not be where I am today.

My daughter’s had choices… they chose to do what’s best for them. They turn to me for advice. Which I freely give. However, I am strict and reserve judgement because I am a loving parent and not living their lives.

It’s not my business as to what they choose to do with their bodies.

I’m only there for support. I am a loving mother, who cares for her children and grandchildren… caring for the ones who stand before me, breathing with lives of their own.

I have never had an abortion but at least I had a choice…

My two daughters have had choices when it came to their children.

Unfortunately now my granddaughters won’t have that choice. Why?

Because some people think that they have a say as to whether or not a women or girl goes through with a pregnancy by making abortion illegal across the board.

5 people decided to make access to life saving medical procedures such as an abortion more difficult than it already is.

How about that?

What do you think is more important?

Life already being lived or life that has yet to begin?

The life that is being lived is more important of course.




Sorry, NOT Sorry!

If I could protest I would… I guess this blog post is my protest.

I don’t want my granddaughters to suffer under the possibility of a Handmaids Tale type of scenario or system that is slowly taking hold of this country.

Where their bodies are not their own. A life in which they are forced to become mothers because the law says that they have to.

A life in which they have no rights to their own body… They have no choice.

Please forgive my rant. I am highly upset…and afraid for my granddaughters.

There’s not much that can be done. Hopefully, individual States will take precautions to protect the rights of our women and daughters so that their rights will not be completely striped away.

There is power in the Statehouses.

So do what I would do and call your local representatives. Call your State Representatives offices, get them to commit to protecting a women’s right to choose in your State ahead of this terrible decision by SCOTUS.

U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-224-3121
TTY: 202-225-1904

U.S. House of Representatives

Advice, Attitude, Bad attitude, Good attitude, Self Improvement, That's Love

4 More Ways To Deal With Conflict During Family Gatherings

As discussed in my previous article, family gatherings can bring you and your family many cherished memories.

However, there are often challenges when extended families get together.

With that said as promised and with no further ado, here are 4 More Ways To Deal With Family Conflicts During Family Gatherings

1. Stay away from others’ arguments. Do your best to stay out of other people’s
conflicts, even if you’re just trying to stick up for somebody. Adding more fire to the
mix rarely helps. Allow the people involved with the conflict to work out the situation
for themselves.

6. Take a breather. If things start to get too heated for your tastes, temporarily remove
yourself from the situation. You can take the dog outside for a walk or play with the
little ones. It may be just what you need in order to clear your head and calm down.
Decide to put aside your differences until the end of the party, or work out your
problem in a way that doesn’t involve fighting.

7. Avoid turbulent topics. If you know that certain topics of conversation are likely to
cause a stir, make sure that you don’t bring them up. If someone else brings up one of
these forbidden topics, see what you can do to change the subject before the
matter escalates into something worse.

8. Adopt a positive attitude. You might be tempted to go to events with a negative
attitude. It’s understandable, especially if you’re going to be crossing paths with people
that often try to cause conflicts.

But if you focus on an optimistic attitude before you even approach these events, you may be able to get through them with a smile.

Family parties can be a wonderful time of peace and blessings.

Focus on the good things about your family and you’ll survive all the togetherness!

Happy Mother’s Day 2022

Always be learning, Good attitude, Self Improvement, That's Love

4 Ways To Deal With Family Conflicts During Gatherings

8 Ways to Deal With Family Conflicts During Family Gatherings

Family gatherings can bring you and your family many cherished memories. However, there
are often challenges when extended families get together.
Perhaps you or other family members have conflicts. Maybe there’s a family member or
friend at these gatherings that you simply don’t get along with. Whatever the case may be,
there are certain actions you can take to help keep conflicts to a minimum
during reunions, holidays, or special events.

Keep the following tips in mind before you go to family parties:

1. Make peace. If there’s an ongoing conflict that can’t be resolved before the event,
make it a point to put the whole thing on hold. Set those negative feelings aside for
the time being and give yourself permission to enjoy yourself.

2. Remember the good times. If one particular person is a challenge, try focusing on
the good times. Maybe you’ve known this person your whole life. Surely there are
good memories that you can focus on instead of the ones that are causing you trouble.
It’s tough to be the bigger person, but in the end, you’ll feel better.

3. Focus on the food. While you don’t want to go overboard, food can be a nice
distraction. There may be quite a spread of appetizers, main courses, and dessert
items. Grab your favorites and enjoy. It can help you keep your mind off of the family

4. Come to a quiet resolution. If you simply cannot put a challenge aside, deal with
the conflict one on one and with a cool head. Remember there’s a greater good,
and you won’t be the one that goes down in history for starting a scene during that
reunion or get-together.

Write Down What You Don’t Like…it can be brought up to family later on.

Stay tuned for 4 MORE AWESOME tips to Deal With Family Conflicts During Family Gatherings

Affirmations, Good attitude, Self Improvement, Time management

Cultural Integration Raises Awareness of Global Struggles

The closer I am to unfamiliar cultures is the
closer, I come to forging a path to

Sharing experiences with
People from different backgrounds makes
me more aware of the different
challenges we each face.

Although I live a great distance from
country’s where war is rife, I empathize
with the plight of my distant neighbors. I
feel connected to their story because I open
myself to integrating with their history and

When my friends share details about the
restrictions in their culture, I avoid
comparing their experience to mine. I know
that although alternate realities are
sometimes shocking, they bear historical
significance to the culture.

I avoid judging.

Gaining insight and knowledge from
cultural integration raises my awareness
and promotes tolerance.

I believe that understanding cultural
differences is the way to unite and end
global struggles.

Today, my mind and heart are open to the
purity of cultural origins. I am firm on
acknowledging the relevance of each
culture. Doing so starts cross-cultural
discussions about how to solve the issues
being faced around the world.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. In what ways do I encourage cultural
integration in the workplace?

2. What are some of the new cultural
perspectives I have developed after being

3. What role am I able to play in fixing what needs to be fixed in the world?

Passive Income, Self help, Self Improvement

You Should Try This App That Pays

I’m sure you’re curious about passive income, as most people are right about now. Well, if not, you’re probably in a pretty good place in your life right now, and you wouldn’t need to read any further.

However, if you’re in that percentage of people, well, I don’t know… You pick a number or percentage of people who just want to earn a passive income using apps that pay. I’ve found a pretty neat one called Zapp Surveys.

I’ve been using it since the beginning of the year, and I’m sure that if I were more active in it, I would make quite a pretty penny.

Join Zapp Surveys Right Here!

But alas… I have no time… Perhaps I’ll use the app for one month straight to do a more detailed review. Nevertheless, I’d still have to say to anyone, “Give it a try!”

Well, that’s it for this short blog post. I just thought that I should share!

If you do join using the link above, I’ll know for sure if it’s a great app! Right now, it’s just pretty good!

I hope that you enjoy it!

Advice, Always be learning, Education, Self Improvement

How to Build Your Freelance Business as a Stay-At-Home Mother

How to Build Your Freelance Business as a Stay-At-Home Mother

What if you had a job that gave you the flexibility of taking an active role in your children’s lives?

Building a freelance business allows you to leverage your own skills in your career and be present for the moments of your child’s lives you want to: teaching them during the day, picking them up from school, or taking them to soccer practice.

In the US, the number of parents staying home with their children has risen 60 percent since 2019. As technology advances, there are different tools and software that empower professionals to work from home (whether as a freelancer or for a company).

Freelancing has several benefits for stay-at-home mothers. As a self-employed freelancer, you would be in charge of your hours, work flexibility, and rates.

With all of the options available online, you might not know where to start.

Here are steps you can take to build your freelance business as a stay-at-home mother:

1. Write down a list of your skills and interests. Consider your former work and volunteer experiences and how they can be leveraged online. For example:

● If you’ve worked in project management, maybe you could market yourself as an online business manager.

● If you have administrative experience, maybe you could be a virtual assistant.

● Are you great at writing? Maybe you could write articles, grants, or eBooks for clients online.

2. Build onto your current skills. Start by paying attention to what is in demand now and what you are most interested in. Then, find free and paid courses to enhance your skills and increase your value as a freelancer.

3. Invest time or money into learning sales and marketing. One part of being a freelancer is being able to market yourself to clients. Read books, take courses, or work with a coach so you can enhance the way you market yourself.

4. Use your skills to work your way up. If you can, start with smaller projects to build your portfolio. Consider it on-the-job training! Reach out to friends, family, or former colleagues to see if your services can help them at a discounted rate. After the project is complete, ask them for a detailed testimonial!

5. Create an online presence. Whether you use a social media platform, a website, or both, you should have a place online where future clients can learn more about you. Let your online platform paint a picture of what it would be like to work with you.

6. Find a community of other freelancing stay-at-home-moms. Get support, ask for advice, or make networking connections with other moms who will understand your unique challenges.

7. Include taxes and benefits in your rates. As an employee of a company, the company offers you benefits such as health insurance, paid time-off, and sometimes 401k matching. They also pay for a portion of your taxes. As you estimate your freelance rates, consider taxes and benefits.

8. Decide how you will spend your time. Freelancing as a stay-at-home mother gives you the flexibility of time. When will you work on your business? Will it be while your children are at school or napping? Decide in advance times you will definitely spend on your business.

9. Grow your portfolio of reviews or testimonials. Showcasing reviews or testimonials of your work will help build your trust and credibility with people who want to work with you. Ask former colleagues, bosses, and clients to write a descriptive review of your strengths, skills, and why they enjoyed working with you.

The transition into freelancing may sound daunting at first. But, you can make the transition simple by taking everything one step at a time.

Building a business as a stay-at-home mother can give you the flexibility and freedom to be present in your children’s lives.

Before you know it, your babies will become adults and parents themselves. Making the time to be a significant part of their lives is priceless.

Advice, Always be learning, Good attitude, Podcast, Self help, Self Improvement, That's Love

Conquer Social Anxiety With These 5 Tips to Increase Your Courage

These 5 Tips to Increase Your Courage
Conquer Social Anxiety With These 5 Tips to Increase Your Courage

Conquer Social Anxiety With These Tips to Increase Your Courage Podcast

Does your heart begin to race at the thought of having to stand in front of an
audience and speak?

Do you get cold chills or avoid eye contact when you meet new

These signs are common symptoms of social anxiety.

If you are uncomfortable in social situations, you’re not alone. Concerns about public speaking, visiting new places, or meeting new people are common fears.

According to a 2013 study widely reported in the London Times, most of us fear speaking in public more than we do dying or going to the dentist!

Luckily, there are positive ways to cope with the anxiety you feel in social situations.

Try these steps to build your courage and defeat your social fears:

1. Practice positive visualization. Many of the fears that we face in social
situations involve imagining the worst thing that might happen. Practice imaging
The best thing that could happen is that the next time you feel nervous in a social

When you replace a fear with a positive vision, you put the power of your
subconscious mind to work for you rather than against you.

  1. Avoid stimulants. Caffeine, sugar, and other stimulants can all increase the
    amount of anxiety you can feel during a social situation. Limiting their intake
    and following a healthy diet will increase your sense of wellbeing.
  2. Try to get a good night’s sleep the evening before an upcoming social
    event. You’ll be well rested and less prone to anxiety the next day.
  3. Avoid the temptation to drink alcohol excessively at social events as it can
  4. contribute to feelings of anxiety and stress.
  1. Learn to relax. Discover how to focus on your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths and consciously relax your muscles. Yoga, Tai-Chi, and meditation are all excellent disciplines that can help teach know how to relax and naturally lower your anxiety levels.
  2. Practice interacting with others. You can feel more confident by practicing what to say and do in various social situations.Get started by asking a close friend or loved one to help you practicesaying hello, shaking hands, smiling, and making eye contact with others.As you gain confidence from these short interactions, slowly increase thenumber and duration of your social encounters.Focusing on others in social situations will also help reduce your stress.
  3. Repeat positive affirmations. Rather than focusing on the things that you feel are flawed about yourself, focus on your positive qualities and traits.There is incredible power in the spoken word! Create your own affirmations by making lists of your positive traits and repeating them out loud to yourself each day.Examples of affirmations to decrease your anxiety are statements such as:”I can handle any social situation because I am brave,” or “I enjoy meeting new people and interacting socially with others.”It can be difficult to cope with social anxiety, but it is not an impossible task. The more you practice these methods, the easier it will be to overcome your anxiety and begin to enjoy social situations.